It turns out that I do not have telekinetic ability.
I had a dream the other night. It was very vivid. I dreamt that I was sleeping. When I awoke, I looked above me to find my pillow rotating slowly in the air a few feet from my head. Then I looked down and noticed that I was levitating as well. It occured to me that I might be making these things happen with mind powers, so I proceeded to make the pillow do loops and Immelmann turns in my room (which, incidentally was not my real room at all but a high-ceilinged room in a house on a plantation) with telekinesis. I also began to make myself spin around like a top. The dream was so real that I bacame nauseous from the spinning and woke myself. Then I spent the next minute of my life drifting in that post-sleep haze, attempting to make my pillow float.